Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Brimstone Hill Fortress

Today we took a field trip to Brimstone Hill Fortress to eat lunch and bond more while learning some history. AMAZING views from up there. I don't know how those buses made it up that hill but I am so happy we didn't have to walk it!
Mom and Me, Caribbean Sea.

Jaclyn, Ashley, me.

Brimstone Hill Fortress

Me riding a canon

St. Kitts to the West (thicker part of the island)...the blurry haze in the sky is the rain...pretty cool!

St. Kitts to the East (towards campus, my apartment...the skinny part of the island) and Nevis in the back.

So some of the activities they had us do were pretty fun. First we had to get in small groups, split that in half and stand two feet away from the person across from you and with your pointer fingers locked with theirs, you as a whole lined up group have to lower this pole to the ground without letting it lift off your fingers at anytime or you have to start again. Second we had one half of the group blindfolded and the other half leading the "blind" person through an obstacle course using voice and touch. Then we switched. Third we had to blow up balloons, line up with the balloons between our bodies like a snake, then walking in unison, had to go up a big step, walk, then back down. You could NOT touch the balloons with your hands and if they got away or popped, you had to start all over. They were to teach us how critical team work and communication are in simple and difficult tasks. I enjoyed it. ok, I can't stay awake much longer. Goodnight all! Miss you :)

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