Friday, March 14, 2008

Thanks to Liz I have been inspired to write another post. This may or may not make it up is really late and I should be sleeping.

Ok, well, long story short: I got in a car accident, I fixed my car, my car then got broken into and trashed, I cleaned my car, then I got in a scary Kittitian-made roadblock (made by people and cars at 11 at night right after a murder occurred) and got scared and gunned it through, scraping the left side of my car on a telephone pole. Summary: I think I need a new car. The thing is tough, but we just don't get along. Sorry, I don't have pictures of all the excitement. I always forget the camera during these times. Good news is, no one was hurt in the accident (typical person just stopping suddenly/randomly) for no real reason while you undoubtedly JUST turned around to see if that sound of a vomiting dog in your back seat is, in fact, a vomiting dog in your back seat. Yea, Hollywood WAS going to vomit, but thanks to the impact of my car slamming into the one that randomly stopped in front of me, she swallowed it and resumed her normal quiet behavior.

Other good news: When they broke into my car, nothing was taken (well, except a few dollar coins). They just decided they didn't like my car being somewhat organized and took everything out of every tiny little pocket/crevice and redecorated my car. They even took half the CDs out of my case and sprinkled them around the car. They didn't take the CD player. I guess they wanted money-something I have very little of. Maybe I should go looking for it in cars!

Got an A on my anatomy lab test. Looks like I have the equine pelvic limb/head/neck down well!
I have a bunch of pictures I need to post from our volcano hike from mid semester just takes 5 million hours to upload 5 pictures at a time, so I get frustrated.

Ok, I need sleep. 2am now and next week is going to suck. Monday is our Physio midterm (on acid/base physiology and GI!), Friday is our Immuno midterm (the one class I am having a tough time I BETTER do well or I am in trouble), then Monday following Immuno I have to regurgitate everything I know about the 100 parasites I frantically memorized after the Immuno test over the weekend. I know you are all so envious.

Oh, and I would realllllllly appreciate if someone could vacuum pack a Big Mac and send it my way. Fries too. I miss fast food!

(Can you tell I am running on no sleep and lots of caffeine?)

Pictures coming soon.....(like maybe a few months)


Unknown said...


I would totally send you a Big Mac and fries if it wouldn't rot by the time it got to you...

miss you!

Ordering Info said...

I miss you Anut Hayley and wish I could send you a Big Mac. Maybe I will send you a carne asada burrito with Grandma when she comes to visit, those things could survive a nuclear war. Good luck on your tests!

We miss and love you-
Riley Jean

Anonymous said...

haha .. I know I shouldent laugh. But wow thats really some funny shit.

but why a big mac? why not some In-n-Out?? much better ... can we freeze dry it and shit it?



Anonymous said...

wow proof reading is a good thing ... i should try it!!

i wanna SHIP the burger not SHIT the burger


Unknown said...

This post makes me want a Big Mac! And you know I hate McDonalds.. I have a vacuum pack machine at my house let me know :)